Wauquiez Hood 38 Affordable Boat Shipping

The 1984 Wauquiez Hood 38 was almost ready to go when I arrived in Holland Michigan for pick up. First thing I noticed was how well wrapped the boat was for transport to Forked River, New Jersey. The very next thing was the mast. Many times I am faced with inadequate mast preparations that will certainly result in damage if not addressed before departing. I understand the need for affordable boat shipping but also realize when corners are being cut that may jeopardize the transport. In this case I had to insist that the yard perform some much needed additional prep to the mast. This ensured it’s safety while in transport saving the client money and aggravation in the long run.

Affordable Boat Shipping

I have been offering affordable boat shipping throughout the United States and Canada for many years. I work very closely with a group of dedicated boat transporters such as myself. Our goal is to provide safe, efficient, and legal boat transportation services to all of our clients. We cannot be everywhere at once, therefore, we often refer clients to each other when we cannot help them ourselves or we feel someone else can meet their needs more efficiently.

1984 Wauquiez Hood 38 Specifications

I find all sailboat specifications at www.sailboatdata.com and specific to the Wauquiez Hood 38 HERE.

Holland, Michigan

Upon arriving in Holland Michigan I was glad to see the boat wrapped up and waiting in an empty parking lot at Anchorage Marine Services. The yard was ready to get me loaded and going as I’m sure they had much work to do in preparations for the winter months. As mentioned earlier the mast required some last minute additions to ensure it traveled well and arrived safely. All in all this yard does good work and I look forward to seeing them again soon.

Forked River, New Jersey

Silver Cloud Harbor Marina is a yard I visit multiple times a year and am never disappointed. They know what they’re doing and I’m always happy to have the opportunity to visit. They unloaded the Wauquiez Hood 38 quickly and efficiently and sent me on my way.